How to eat a cupcake : When you first get a hold of it run around and dance with it, then you may take your first lick, next give someone a surprise hug, get a little on their shirt, and then continue one lick at a time until frosting covers the face. Set aside when frosting is gone.
Solie is awesome at eating cupcakes and sharing in most cases with one exception. Momi is his Achilles' heel. Sometimes if I even sit too close to her, his little eyebrows narrow, his lips tighten up into a scowl and he says,"No." I have to admit, I feel a bit jealous of this kind of love and protection!
U guys look great!!!!! Baby is soooo cute!!!
marnsicle, i wanna eat one of those. and that lil nugget can't be real, he's like the perfect baby! blog some more!!
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